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Home STD testing | How does home STD testing work? | Sexual home test |

How often are you getting tested for STD'S?

Regardless if you are single, in a relationship, or just want to be conscious stress free about your health, getting tested is a must! Did you know that 80% of STD's do not show any symptoms?

More & more people are using home testing kits to screen their sexual health because :

🔶The inconvenience of needing time off work

🔶Not wanting to spend time in a waiting room

🔶Awkward face to face interaction with their doctor

🔶The cost of testing

🔶They don't have medical insurance and the list goes on guys!

LETSGETCHECKED sexual health testing options are the same as taking a test at your physician's office, however, the tests require a smaller amount of blood due to the advanced technology used within the testing process.

How? You draw a simple blood sample or collect a urine sample, fill out your online account profile, and in just a matter of 3-5 business days, you get your results in addition to getting a phone call from a doctor to go over the results with you.

WATCH VIDEO to see how it works:

We already have enough stress in our life and LETSGETCHECKED is exactly that, stress-free, efficient and not time-consuming!

CLICK HERE today and get 20% off your test until this Friday and after Friday get 15% off using promo code: Rosell ️

Feel free to leave your comments with any questions you may have, and feel free to share with friends!


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