Breaking the stigma on mental health for men and women
As you know, I am a lot more than a fitness/wellness coach. My transformation came from the inside out, which is why Mental Health is a priority 💯
I was blessed recently to be a guest on ABC news to break the stigma on mental health.
In this segment I give 3 tips on how to stay fit, happy, and healthy through your body and emotions to live your best life!
Watch here - Breaking the stigma on mental health for men and women 👇
I hope these tips help you! Please forward this to anyone you know it will help :)
Feeling stuck and need some major accountability? Learn more about my 1 on 1 mindset life, wellness and relationship coaching where we connect all the dots to conquer your fears, give you accountability, encouragement and most importantly the path to success mentally, emotionally and physically. Click here to start
Have the best day ever!